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Tag / pilgrimage

Great Travel Review Of Israel Shared By Our Latest JPs

We share with you  day 2 experiences  of our  beautiful pilgrims trip  to Israel read  all about their individual tour packaged Israeli Pilgrimage Day 2 : 31/08/2012.      Caesarea area at Acco : Roman Empire. King herod the great built this city with imported stones and materials from egypt, asia, etc. It served as meeting point for...CONTINUE READING

Packaged Individual Tour to Isreal

Apart from our scheduled group tours we  package a stress free low budget minimum 5 days  trip to Israel any time of the year . These include visits to holy & historical sites in the company of other faithfulls from different countries round the world sites to visit include- Jerusalem – Visit all the major...CONTINUE READING

Pilgrimage Terms and conditions

REGISTRATION PROCESS AND FORMS OF PAYMENT : Before registration will be accepted, you must read, understand and accept our terms and conditions. Please download Hadur Travel & Tour co ltd (HTT) form from our website or send an e-mail to make a request for it from the HTT office. The specified full cost of the...CONTINUE READING