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Tag / holyland

Let’s Go to Bethlehem this Christmas!

                          Why not make plans to experience our annual Christmas Bethlehem Pilgrimage! Take advantage of a life changing opportunity to explore the root of your faith in addition to visiting all key religious sites—including the Church of the Nativity, shepherd’s Field, Nazareth, Jerusalem,...CONTINUE READING

Come on Our Israel Tour and of the Bible

                        Make your dreams come true Our pilgrimages to the Holy Land of Israel are an exciting blend of tradition for a variety of religions as the Bible land has great significance for them all. We have interdenominational tours, catholic, and protestant packages. To...CONTINUE READING

Exclusive Jerusalem And Rome October 23rd – November 5 Tour

                                                                                               Rome & Israel Tour We invite you to join our exclusive executive pilgrimage to  Rome & Israel.  Our special Christian Tour of Rome will take you to land mark historical sites  with time for sightseeing and leisure. While the  special Holy land Tour will give you a rewarding spiritual experience as a believer and make...CONTINUE READING

May 5 – Jerusalem Pilgrimage was a wow !

            Our Executive May Pilgrimage was fun-filled and spiritual  below are the views of our guests the latest JPs In Town – keep reading to learn their views of the tour as we share their unedited testimonials ! The entire group was lively and never a dull moment from the...CONTINUE READING

It’s time to visit Jerusalem Again this May!

JP Ceremony Jerusalem[/caption] Towards the end of the year 2013 we started working on our calendar for for 2014 and now its coming quickly again another opportunity to visit the Holy Land  i cant wait to experience Israel again . Imagine what you would do if you have the opportunity to walk the same path...CONTINUE READING