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Let’s Go to Bethlehem this Christmas!

                          Why not make plans to experience our annual Christmas Bethlehem Pilgrimage! Take advantage of a life changing opportunity to explore the root of your faith in addition to visiting all key religious sites—including the Church of the Nativity, shepherd’s Field, Nazareth, Jerusalem,...CONTINUE READING

Unique Agro tours for wealth creation to give you peace of mind

  Won’t you like to go on an Agro tour that will relax and revitalize your soul and body? Or would you consider an Agricultural tour that will empower you with knowledge to load your pocket or bank account? Look no further! Check out our awesome agricultural tour packages specially designed by Hadur Travel and Tours, pioneer of Agro-tourism in Nigeria, designed...CONTINUE READING

Come on Our Israel Tour and of the Bible

                        Make your dreams come true Our pilgrimages to the Holy Land of Israel are an exciting blend of tradition for a variety of religions as the Bible land has great significance for them all. We have interdenominational tours, catholic, and protestant packages. To...CONTINUE READING