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An Exciting and Unforgettable Trip to Jerusalem








We take you through our experience as you read below from one of our latest pilgrims  happy reading !

As the Group tour leader, I am excited to say this tour is an experience I will never forget. From the moment we left Lagos, on the night of 5th November, it had been so wonderful.

It was a ten (10) days tour to Israel with a day spent in Egypt. I was privileged to be one of the six (6) pilgrims that made it to the peak of Mt. Sinai, this is an experience I will never forget in my life.  I was also privileged to conduct marriage renewal ceremony in Cana , water baptismal service for three sisters in River Jordan. It was really a life changing experience especially after seeing the service caught in a clod.

Jerusalem was breath taking, especially going to the old city where Jesus was trailed and crucified. Walking via Dolorosa, the way Jesus walked to the cross was amazing. All this experiences can not only be caught in a book.

Our tour guide, Sister Ruth, of Tailor Made Tours was outstanding. Our visit to Her Kibbutz was such a blessing to me.

In all, we give God the glory for this wonderful experience. Our group of twenty (20) was like a family, we did everything together and memories of the times we shared together will be unforgettable.

nov 2012 group photo



Visiting the Holy Land for me is such a wonderful experience every Christian should have.

We thank God for the experience and guidance of our Tour Operator, Sister Taiwo Ramael, of Hadur Travel and Tours Ltd who made sure we maximized our tour.




View  live  pictures here – http://www.facebook.com/hadurtravels/photos_albums#!/media/set/?set=a.377395582343789.91504.100002200501482&type=3


Reverend Stephen .M. Dangana (JP)

Tour Group Leader.

Category:Religious tours
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Our Dreams were fulfilled In Exciting November Tour

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